What Is Content Repurposing?

Rakesh Bisht
1 min readNov 25, 2020


Content repurposing is the best way to leverage old content for more links and promotions. Also, it reduced efforts in making quality content. Here are the ways small businesses can do content repurposing.

Content Repurposing
Source: LeadMuster

Tips To Repurpose Marketing Content for Your Business

  1. Leverage Syndicate Networks For Blog Post promotion and cater your posts to those who are reading-related topics. ex: Medium, Hackernoon, Business2community, and more.
  2. Repurposing your blog post and posting on social media by shorting the content. For this, pull out the best line and information and make a good post to promote on social media.
  3. Repurposed your content by converting them into Infographic, lead magnet PDF, Podcast, Video, and more. It allows you to target different platforms with different types of content formats.
  4. Updating the blogs periodically is critical as it enables you to repurpose blogs by adding some information and also boost the content quality for better ranking.
  5. Making blog posts from case studies is another way to content repurposing. Write about the encountered challenges and problems also grabs the readers’ attention.



Rakesh Bisht

Lead generation expert at LeadMuster(www.leadmuster.com). As a passionate heart, he writes avidly about digital marketing(SEO, SMM, PPC) and IT tech trends.